The Earthquake Disaster in Haiti
All our best going out to the victims of the Haitian Disaster especially to the children and those who lost children
A few facts before we get to the tragedy, that is being well covered by others already…and just so we’re all on the same page…Haiti is in the Caribbean, and comprises the western one-third of the island of Hispaniola, between the Caribbean Sea and the North Atlantic Ocean, due west of the Dominican Republic, which comprises the rest of the island.
The Earthquake Disaster in Haiti
We are and org
Now...we have websites for our .com and our .net domains...but not yet for our .org domain...
anyone wanting to submit possible designs for are welcome to do so
from practical to funky are all appreciated...whatever tickles your fancy 
if we receive any submissions
they will be reviewed by our crack panel of webmasters ( or is that on crack panel of webmasters
and the winner will receive a date with Sandra Bullock or George Clooney *; a 32ft cabin cruiser *; a totally speced-out top of the line gaming computer with the works *; a toaster-oven *; a year-long subscription to the porn magazine of your choice *; and 1000euros a week for life *
* or substituted with our un-dying gratitude and a good spanking
TAZ Forum :: A Computer, Gaming, and Social Network Community of Friends :: View topic - We are and org
Netcraft: June 2006 Web Server Survey
TAZ Forum :: A Computer, Gaming, and Social Network Community of Friends :: View topic - Netcraft: June 2006 Web Server Survey:
"Microsoft continues to gain share in the web server market, chipping away at Apache's commanding lead. The number of hostnames on Windows servers grew by 4.5 million, giving Microsoft 29.7% market share, a gain of 4.25% for the month. Apache had a decline of 429K hostnames, and loses 3.5% to 61.25%.
Apache's lead over Microsoft, which stood at 48.2% in March, has been narrowed to 31.5%, a shift of 16.7% in just three months...
posted by J_K9
I've seen someone talking about this program, so I decided to look into it, especially because it's free.
Winpooch can be found here:
Quote: |
Winpooch is a watchdog for Windows (2000, XP and above). It detects modifications in your system, so as to detect a trojan or a spyware installation. Set your own security level for anti-spyware, anti-trojan, firewall, antivirus (need ClamWin installed) |
Seems interesting enough ...and it's still gets development ...
Quote: |
Winpooch is a watchdog for Windows that helps you increase the security of your computer. Winpooch can prevent suspicious programs from doing dangerous actions such as writing to system directories or sensible registry keys. It acts as a powerful anti spyware and anti trojans, and if you have ClamWin installed, you can tell Winpooch to scan every program before it runs. This new release provide a cache for antivirus, this prevents from scanning the same file several times and thus increase the computer speed. It also contains many bug fixes. |
Now this cache thing looks very interesting ... But probably only works with ClamWin, wouldn't this improve the performance of your computer to (think about Mcafee and it's on-access scan scanning your drive up and down) ... Or will it not make much of a difference ...
After I install VMWare tonight, I'll be installing this on a testmachine and let you guys know what's it like, unless someone beats me to it (with all my promises lately
) I need to catch up 
TAZ Forum :: A Computer, Gaming, and Social Network Community of Friends :: View topic - Winpoochposted by cemetric
World's smallest Windows XP computer
Has this been posted before ?? ... Looks awesome to me ... The price ... That's another issue all together 

Quote: |
world's smallest Windows XP computer
The OQO model 01+ ultra personal computer (uPC) is a fully-featured Windows XP computer. The OQO has a 1GHz processor, a 30GB hard drive, 512MB of RAM, a color transflective display, and integrated wireless, as well as FireWire and USB ports.
fits in your pocket
Just 4.9 inches long, 3.4 inches wide, 0.9 inches thin, and weighing only 14 ounces, the model 01+ can fit in a pocket or purse and go with you anywhere. For easy typing and cursor control it has a complete thumb keyboard with TrackStik and mouse buttons as well as digital pen and thumbwheel. |
MMMMM I wanna I wanna

TAZ Forum :: A Computer, Gaming, and Social Network Community of Friends :: View topic - OQO Pr0nposted by cemetric
Update far the forum is going strong...which is a good thing...but...the website is going very slow...and that's not a good thing...the forum costs us nothing and we make nothing from it...
the website, ontheotherhand, does cost us for every day it is not active both, in the actual cost of the site and in the lost revenue that can be created from it.
Hopefully we can get the website up shortly.
Blog Update
Well...I've eliminated Sports at a Glance and The Games Room...and will be eliminating The Cave as soon as I can transfer over lce's stories to another blog.
That brings us down to the ten most popular blogs...and two test blogs...I don't want to go any lower than ten need to be maintained.
The test blogs will come in handy for both the blogs and the main site at Bravenet.
The free photo version should be ok without upgrading as Image shack is free and can be utilized for the standard pictures and if we need more than the allowed amount...we should probably just use their photo centre for random pictures that are uploaded then later replaced ( pictures that constantly change )
we can utilize the free StatCounter for the that's what I use here...
Eg ;)
even though we haven't actually been submitted yet to the last one...they require a link to it first before you can submit.
Eg ;)