Sunday, December 17, 2006

We are and org


Now...we have websites for our .com and our .net domains...but not yet for our .org domain...

anyone wanting to submit possible designs for are welcome to do so

from practical to funky are all appreciated...whatever tickles your fancy Very Happy

if we receive any submissions Shocked they will be reviewed by our crack panel of webmasters ( or is that on crack panel of webmasters Very Happy )...
and the winner will receive a date with Sandra Bullock or George Clooney *; a 32ft cabin cruiser *; a totally speced-out top of the line gaming computer with the works *; a toaster-oven *; a year-long subscription to the porn magazine of your choice *; and 1000euros a week for life *

* or substituted with our un-dying gratitude and a good spanking Very Happy

TAZ Forum :: A Computer, Gaming, and Social Network Community of Friends :: View topic - We are and org