The Administration Blog
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Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Message to foxyloxley
Tell me about it :D...I had to go through each blog for 4 people...and the extra ones only you and me have access to.I was sooooooo hoping one invite covered everything! Then when we found out it wasn't going to be that easy...I had to explain it to everyone...sheeeeeesh!
at least we now know what we have to do....and it is a time consuming pain in the butt...for sure!
Have fun!
Eg ;)
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Message to daFox
Hi daFox,Here's some links I've been using...
StatCounter Free invisible Web tracker, Hit counter and Web stats
Google AdSense
Pingoat - The stable of all pings
Technorati Tags
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I'll post more here as I come across them.
Eg ;)